Chain Reaction Foundation Ltd

Student Leadership

Senior Student Leadership Program


The Program

The Learning Ground in School (LGiS) Student leadership Program is opportunity to participate in a guided program where Student leaders enjoy listening to one another and concentrating in an uninterrupted timeframe to learn more about themselves and others, particularly their personal strengths and abilities.

The program focuses on personal leadership as a vehicle to develop an understanding of what students can affect in their communities and in their schools.

Adolescent Program

Program Outline

The whole Me

A study of each aspect of the whole person examining the 5 mes, Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social and Spiritual. The study offers a fresh approach to examining aspects of oneself and offers new skills that student leaders can draw on in working with others and leading positively.

The experiential Life

An opportunity for student leaders to consider the notion of a Future Australia powered by human creativity and engagement and how this affects our world and our thinking as we move forward in a digital world demanding connectivity and at the same time exclusivity.

Building a Creative Community in a Climate of Building People

Moving into an innovation response to leadership suited to developing Social Cohesion in an environment of holistic self-determination.

Community Self Determination

Students will commit to practical work in school drawing from their learning during the program

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Young People's Program

Program Outputs and Outcomes


  • The acquiring of a comprehensive understanding of people with whom they live, study with, or interact.
  • People skills are considerably enhanced, and emphasis is placed on working with those of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
  • Communication negotiation and leadership development is a vital part of the program, and an opportunity to examine and practise creative community development is provided.
  • The gaining of confidence in one's own ability and the ability of others.
  • Strengthening of the resolve to participate in building a more participatory democracy.

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"I'm going to Learning Ground this year because I am quite scared of going to High School next year, my brother went there and he says it taught him to feel much better about himself"

Year 6 girl

Are you interested in this program?

Contact Rumbi Mabambe for more information

(02) 9953 3287 or 0438 187 611