Chain Reaction Foundation Ltd

Learning Ground in School

Big news for schools especially in western and south west Sydney


LGiS is the biggest news on the Chain Reaction Foundation calendar targeting high schools, especially those wishing to offer personal development and well-being work with students in Years 8 and or 9.

Please make an appointment to talk to or Rumbi Mabambe or Cassandra Jackson about this amazing offer.

Chain Reaction Foundation has designed a program evaluated by the Department of Education, Western Sydney University and supported by Department of Education NSW that can be conducted in your school. All teacher and student materials printed and available now.

The program is offered during the school year to a group of up to 21 students in a classroom setting. More than one group can be established if desired but not more than 21 students to participate in any one group.

777 model

We use the 777 model

7 students who are causing disruption, finding it difficult to fit into school life following the long lock-downs, or who are just not turning up or experiencing suspensions for a variety of reasons.

7 students who are causing some concern about their level of participation in school life, possibly having some familial adjustment issues but less severely concerning than the first group.

7 students who it appears are having very few difficulties even in some cases excelling in different ways in participating in school life.

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Program facilitators and mentors

Program facilitators and mentors

Program facilitators and mentors are drawn from the school staff, the facilitator often being a teacher from the participating school, and 2 – 3 mentors who may be or SLSOs or others, and will include an experienced consultant from Chain Reaction Foundation who will participate in and guide the work of the program for the full year. All staff should have experience in working with student wellbeing or student learning support.

The program is referred to by its acronym with the purpose of bringing a renewed 'sense of pride' to the school - we are an LGiS school. Learning Ground is chosen as a name because it means being deeply grounded for each of us in the experience of learning about who we really are, the potential we have for learning and the way we can relate to others in a manner that brings new learning, pleasure, some sadness and a new understanding. It is about releasing the potential in each of us - facilitator, mentors and participants.

Over time it is considered that LGiS will become part of the ethos of OUR SCHOOL and will be worn with pride.

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"I'm going to Learning Ground this year because I am quite scared of going to High School next year, my brother went there and he says it taught him to feel much better about himself"

Year 6 girl

Are you interested in this program?

Contact Rumbi Mabambe for more information

(02) 9953 3287 or 0438 187 611